How HullWiper contributes to cleaner oceans for future… | HullWiper

How HullWiper contributes to cleaner oceans for future generations

10 Aug 2021

10 Aug21 How Hull Wiper contributes to cleaner oceans for future generations

The oceans are a crucial part of the global commerce sector, with the shipping industry accounting for more than 80 percent of the world trade. However, more importantly, is the fact that our oceans are the lifeblood and the engine that keeps our planet going. According to marine conservationists, a thriving ocean regulates our climate and helps to mitigate the impact of climate change.

Not only do our oceans help to absorb over 90% of the heat, but it's responsible for absorbing around 30% of carbon dioxide emissions produced by humans - a crucial factor when reviewing the impact of these activities on the increasing problem that climate change poses.

In a report compiled by the United Nations, the organization outlined the grim impact that rising temperatures could have on our oceans if it is not addressed. Hot, acidic, and lifeless seas could be what we leave for future generations, with dire consequences for marine life, Earth's climate, and the food security of our children.

This stark warning above has seen the International Maritime Organization (IMO) implement a transformative strategy to help reduce carbon emissions in the shipping industry by 40% by the year 2030. This new environmentally conscious era requires vessel owners to implement a greener business model and invest in products that are beneficial for our oceans, which will ensure a brighter future for generations to come.

The HullWiper Ethos

Whilst we at HullWiper are renowned for providing an eco-friendly hull cleaning solution via our remotely operated vehicle (ROV), more than anything, we are committed to preserving our oceans for future generations. Our advanced technology not only ensures that vessels are able to meet the business demands of the global shipping industry, but it is also designed with safety and the environment at heart to target the shipping community’s common enemy - protect the marine ecosystem by reducing biofouling pollution and eliminate cross-pollination of invasive aquatic species.

Biofouling refers to the accumulation of algae, plants, microorganisms and small marine creatures that attach themselves to the ship's hull as it sails across the seas. These marine hijackers have a devastating impact on local marine life as they out-compete for resources in their new host ecosystem, directly impacting the natural diversity of the oceanic environment.

HullWiper’s Green Commitment

The need for sustainability targets and green solutions within the corporate world and specifically the shipping industry is getting a lot of attention. Ports and governments around the world are implementing stricter measures to combat the harmful effects of marine biofouling in their waters. Global institutions, including IMO, BIMCO, NACE (now AMPP), VMCC, ACT/MERC and IMarEST, are all endeavoring to move closer to a joint global standard for maintaining a hull free from invasive aquatic species. Methods will include an enhanced biofouling management plan and record book, anti-fouling system installation and management and in-water inspection, cleaning, and maintenance.

Supporting our investment in a sustainable future, HullWiper is one of four founding members of the IMO’s Global Industry Alliance (GIA) for Marine Biosafety. GIA works with the IMO’s GloFouling Partnerships Project to help accelerate the development of technology solutions that help prevent hull fouling. We are also actively involved within BIMCO and AMPP and on technical steering committees, with input in the writing of active legislation for hull cleaning and inspection standards globally.

What makes HullWiper different

Our innovative ROV system collects removed marine fouling from vessel hulls without the risk of polluting port waters and the spread of invasive marine species. All removed fouling is collected onboard a filter unit and deposited into dedicated containers onshore for removal by a locally approved environmental waste disposal company. All of our operations are in line with IMO, IMCA and local regulations.

What's more, HullWiper's wastewater filtering effectiveness is supported by AMT Environmental, an environmental analysis and a consulting professional.

HullWiper's mission is to ensure that vessel hulls remain free of marine fouling, and this is done in an efficient manner that also ensures minimal impact on the oceanic environment.

A brush-free alternative: While many hull cleaning devices utilise the traditional diver with brush/kart cleaning systems, which also introduce micro plastics into the water column, HullWiper takes an eco-conscious approach. Using our innovative ROV technology, removing fouling can be done safely and without damaging antifouling coatings and dispersing these harmful critters into local ocean waters through the use of adjustable high-pressure seawater jets.

Cost-efficient: Increased vessel drag is a common problem with biofouling, which results in increased fuel consumption and carbon emissions. There's no question that this negatively affects our environment and a ship owner's pockets. However, with HullWiper's effective hull cleaning system, biofouling regrowth is generally two to three times slower. This improves a vessel's speed and reduces carbon emissions - great for the environment and great for vessel operations.

Having cleaner oceans and protecting indigenous marine life must be our number one priority when providing for our grandchildren and leaving them with healthy oceans and waterways. While adopting this new outlook is crucial to the sustainable and profitable shipping industry, aligning yourself with a company and product that shares these values is beneficial when fighting to protect our oceans.

There's no question that HullWiper’s award winning technology is effective at what we do when it comes to ensuring that our seas are left intact for future generations.

If you’re interested in saving time, costs and the marine environment, contact our team via [email protected] or visit our website for more information about how we can help you and your fleet.