Underwater hull cleaning around the world: HullWiper's… | HullWiper

Underwater hull cleaning around the world: HullWiper's operations bases

21 Oct 2020

Why HullWiper?

Traditional methods of hull cleaning are limited to using divers with brushes/karts, weather conditions and daylight hours. In some cases, it could also mean some downtime to a vessel’s schedule to perform a hull clean.

A change was needed. And a change has been delivered with HullWiper’s innovative, effective ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) technology. The device is operated land-side by trained technicians so no divers are used. Using adjustable high-pressure saltwater jets, HullWiper’s ROV protects expensive antifouling coating on vessel hulls which means massive cost-savings to ship owners and operators. All fouling removed is captured onboard the ROV’s filter unit for eco-friendly disposal onshore.

Let’s dive into the details of why HullWiper is the green, affordable and efficient underwater hull cleaning solution that your fleet needs.

Safety and environment:

No risk to human life: HullWiper does not use divers to perform inspections, evaluations or rigorous hull cleaning which means there is no risk to human life.

Eco-friendly: The device uses a unique onboard filter that collects the waste during cleaning, without contaminating the delicate marine ecosystem. All biofouling is disposed of onshore into dedicated drums using environmentally approved methods.

Cost Savings:

Slower growth: Regrowth of biofouling attachments after a HullWiper clean is typically 2 - 3 times slower than divers with brushes.

Five times faster: Cleans up to 5x faster than traditional hull cleaning with brushes. HullWiper also works 24/7 in most weather conditions.

Clean while you operate: Cleans ships while cargo operations or bunker fuel supplies are underway, removing the need for deviation or downtime.

Less stringent on anti-fouling coatings: Brushes remove significantly more anti-fouling coating than HullWiper, which doesn’t create coating cavities.

The ROV’s ability to clean without harm to vessel coating is confirmed by the following international ship painting companies:

HullWiper Ports Covered Around The World

Hull cleaning services in Australia


HullWiper’s operations base is located in Brisbane and certified by the Port of Brisbane. Local company K-ROV has partnered with HullWiper in Australia and also covers Bundaberg, Gladstone, and Townsville for cost-effective, eco-friendly and compliant hull cleaning solutions. Operations in Newcastle and Sydney coming soon!


Hull cleans are performed alongside and at inner / outer anchorage with no restrictions. Outer anchorage hull cleaning is weather dependent.

HullWiper is the only environmentally safe and approved hull cleaning solution on the East Coast of Australia.

Hull cleaning services in Egypt


Suez Canal


Preparing to transit through the Suez Canal? With around 60 vessels a day HullWiper’s fast and efficient hull cleaning services in partnership with GAC Egypt ensure that there is no downtime, keeping vessels on schedule.

Container vessels calling at the Said and Suez ports, as well as the growing number of offshore marine service vessels operating in the Gulf of Suez and Mediterranean, benefit from HullWiper’s hull cleaning solutions.

All operations conducted have been approved by the Government Ministries of Egypt.

Hull cleaning services in Gibraltar




In partnership with SCAMP, Gibraltar port’s strategic location serves as one of the largest bunker bases in the Mediterranean. It is also an important supply point for ships traveling eastwards through the Suez Canal and westwards into the Atlantic.

Hull cleaning services in Mauritius


Port Louis


In partnership with Immersub, HullWiper’s efficient, cost-effective, and eco-friendly hull cleaning solution helps keep ships sailing around South Africa’s Cape of Good Hope. Hull cleans in Mauritius are carried out at anchorage or at berth (IPL) and are in line with Mauritius’ commitment to protecting the environment.

Hull cleaning services in the United Arab Emirates

HullWiper offers cost-effective and eco-friendly hull cleaning at several selected ports around the United Arab Emirates which can be booked directly through the HullWiper team.


Jebel Ali, Dubai, Port Khalid, Sharjah, Port Rashid, Dubai and Fujairah anchorage with the approval of the UAE Environmental Department.


Jebel Ali, UAE

HullWiper is the only permitted hull cleaning solution allowed in Jebel Ali port, offering vertical side cleaning whilst the ship is alongside with cargo operations. Flat-bottom cleaning can only be carried out at anchorage, due to seabed debris inside the port. HullWiper can carry out hull inspections and also arrange propeller polishing as well as niche area cleaning.

Port Khalid, Sharjah & Port Rashid, Dubai

Hull cleaning cannot be carried out on the same side whilst bunker fuel transfers/deliveries are taking place. Cleaning can only continue once the bunker barge has cast off. Flat-bottom cleaning may only be carried out at anchorage. HullWiper can carry out hull inspection, vertical side cleaning subject to the above restrictions.

Fujairah Anchorage

Hull cleaning cannot be carried out on the same side whilst bunker fuel transfers/deliveries are taking place. Hull cleaning can continue only once the bunker barge has cast off.

*Cleaning cannot be done at Oil and Gas Terminals

Hull cleaning services in Qatar


Ras Laffan


HullWiper’s partnership with GAC Qatar meets the growing demand for environmentally friendly hull cleaning solutions at the Qatari port of Ras Laffan,.This port, with mostly calm waters and good visibility, is a major global gas loading port, with many ships requiring efficient fast hull cleaning.

Hull cleaning services in Panama


Balboa and Cristobal


A key transit point for vessels sailing between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, HullWiper in partnership with Talleres Industriales offers all subsea services including eco-friendly hull cleaning in the Panama Canal.

Hull cleaning services in Singapore


Our base in Singapore caters for all Singapore water locations, both at anchor and alongside where we can operate 24/7.


No hull cleaning may be performed at the bunkering anchorages (East/West), only hull inspection. Cleaning can be conducted alongside vessels during cargo operations at container terminals except when a bunker barge is alongside. HullWiper can carry out hull inspection, vertical side cleaning, and flat bottom cleaning subject to the above restrictions.

In partnership with Mola Subsea, HullWiper is able to extend hull cleaning services in Singapore and Malaysia.

*HullWiper cannot clean at Oil and Gas Terminals.

Hull cleaning services in Spain




Port authorities require at least 48 hours’ notice before a hull clean can commence. Castellon allows cleaning for any type of port call. No flat bottom cleaning is allowed when the vessel is alongside, it is only allowed at anchorage.

With local partner Burriel-Navarro, HullWiper's stringent Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE) policy complies with local and regional environmental regulations.

Hull cleaning services in Sweden


Gothenburg, Sweden covering Scandinavia: the Sound, Great Belt, and Skaw areas; Copenhagen, Malmo, Kalundborg, Frederica Havn, and Kristiansand.

*Other ports are possible upon request.


To ensure best practice to stop is established during troublesome winter seasons, all inquiries are weather dependent. Bunkering and operating restrictions are all subject to the final cleaning location and work requirement, however, all subsea services can be provided in partnership with SSE SVENTAB FMS.

Spreading the net

HullWiper is set to launch hull cleaning services in new locations including South Korea, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Chile, and the Bahamas.

Interested in learning more about our cost-effective hull cleaning solutions? Visit our website for more information or get in touch.